Sunday, August 2, 2009


We planned from the inception of our Fruit Heights house that Mike would make a stained glass for our bathroom. He made two others for the house. One for my studio door and one for an entry transom that ended up too big and got moved to the basement family room.
We finally came up with an idea last fall. Mike is a project man. Once he gets started you know he will work consistently until his idea is a reality. He spent many hours last winter in the garage with his workshop heater on and then again this summer in the heat. He is a careful craftsman, always meticulous and concise. Stained glass has many precise steps from mapping the design, cutting and grinding the glass, making sure they fit together exactly, foiling the edge of each piece with copper, soldering the pieces together and adding the solder patina. (I get credit for the color choices) These are the biggest design he has ever done. The identical pieces are about 2’X4’ each and are framed together like a shutter on hinges so we can open them and clean the bathroom window behind. The afternoon sun shoots a colorful light show all over the bathroom as it shines through the many colors. Every time of day gives a different aura of color and glow. Our neighbors next door are lucky to see it from their dining room at night. (instead of us streaking by) I couldn’t be more pleased and Mike should be proud of his work. We will enjoy this beautiful piece of art for many years to come.


  1. Beautiful Mike! He certainly should be proud of his work.

  2. The windows are absolutely gorgeous! Your husband certainly has a wonderful talent.

  3. Wow,the stained glass is beautiful. I guess now I know where all the artistic talent in the family went to. It just isn't fair but what can I do about it?

  4. The windows are beautiful! Is there anything the two of you can't do?
