Monday, April 22, 2013


 The Canary Islands have a few very nice things:  The oranges are the best, the carrots are sweet, the tomatoes are cheap and taste fresh and Valor Cocoa is the best cocoa I have ever used.  I sometimes add a little less than called for because it is so rich and dark.  This is an easy, good chocolate cookie (and it doesn't need brown sugar.)   I did find some chocolate chips, finally.  On a trip to the other island, Gran Canaria, we went to an English store, that has an American section.  They had chocolate chips for 9 Euros (about $12 for a 11 oz. bag)  I couldn't believe I bought 2 bags.  And I paid about the same price for a small bottle of Karo syrup.  They also had some real miniature marshmallows for about $4 a bag. 

Beat Together:
1 C. butter slightly melted
1 1/4 C. white sugar
2 eggs
1/2 C. Cocoa
2 1/4 C. flour
1/4 tsp. salt
1 tsp. Baking Powder
2 C. Chocolate chips or chopped chocolate for those of you cooking in Europe.
I don't dare add nuts, cooking for youngsters, but 1 C. or more of chopped toasted almonds or walnuts would make these even better.

Bake 350 for 10 minutes.  Don't over bake!

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