Monday, August 30, 2010


Back Left -Elynn Shorts Branch, Olivia Gonzales Moreton, Me
Front Left-  Karol Thayn Hartley, Norene Norton, Louise Pierce Jones

You know God had a hand in your life when he let you grow up with girls who always inspired you to do good and be good.  We try to get together every couple of years and this picture is only half of us.  It was interesting that there were hardly any girls a year younger or a year older than us in the little town of Wellington, Utah. There was a large group of us who went to school for 12 years together.  We were nice girls who played together amiably and respectfully and we had a lot of fun.  Sometimes our fun was just sitting on a log in the wash and talking about our dreams.  We still have dreams but now mostly we have memories that can keep us chatting all day and into the night.  These women still inspire me to want to be better. 

-"In a sense we make up all our relatives. . . fathers, mothers, brothers, sisters and the rest....We take what we know, which isn't ever the whole story, and we add it to what we wish and need, and stitch it together into some kind of family quilt to wrap up in on our mental couch."  Robert Fulgum,  "All I Really Needed to Know I Learned in Kindergarten"

Thank you dear friends for being a piece of my family are "the rest."  and the best!


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