Friday, January 21, 2011


When I was a kid my mother had a frosting that she only made when it was someone's birthday.  It is basically a 7 minute fluffy frosting but it has a cup of Karo syrup in it so it never goes to sugar like some similar recipes. Now I make it often because it is well loved in my house, especially by my husband who requests it as his favorite cake--a white cake with fudge filling and mounds of the fluffy stuff.  The pictures here are from his December birthday cake.  I have made multiple recipes and frosted several wedding cakes.  It makes a lovely cake if you are covering it with flowers.   It is very much no fail.   It is heavenly on my favorite from scratch Chocolate Cake

For the chocolate drizzle add 2 tsp. oil to 1/2 C chocolate chips and microwave on low power until melted. 

1 C. Corn syrup
2 Egg whites
1/3 C. Sugar
pinch of Salt
¼ tsp. Cream of tarter
3 drops of vanilla
Beat over boiling water (double boiler) 7 min.

Cool to room temperature – beat for 3 minutes - frost

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