Friday, May 13, 2011


After reading Jeffery Archer’s wonderful book Paths of Glory about George Malroy’s  attempts to climb Everest, I couldn’t wait to see the documentary on the subject “The Wildest Dream.” 
George Malroy lost his life on Everest on his 3rd attempt at the top in 1924.  In 1999 Conrad Anker found his body very close to the top.  It was never known if he was on his way back from the top or still moving forward.  Malroys body was very much intact after all these years because of the frigid conditions on Everest.   The one thing they didn’t find on him was the picture of his wife he promised to leave at the top if he made it.  Thus the answer to the mystery is forever in question.  Malroy's climbing partner Sandy Irvine was also lost but his body has never been found. 

In the movie Conrad Anker attempts to recreate Malroy's  climb, including having the clothes he wore made to see how they functioned.  The old pictures and film were stunning to me.  I enjoyed so much seeing the pictures of Malroy and his family including many from the actual climb.   I am not an Everest aficionado.  For me this was a love story in conflict--the love of his wife and family and the love of the climb.  4 stars

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