Thursday, May 26, 2011


This is a cooked salsa and lasts a little longer in the refrigerator.  If you do it on the grill you will need one of those grill pans with holes.  You can also broil it on high in the oven.  The grill gives it a little bit of a smoky taste which is very nice.

4-5 Tomatoes boiled for a minute for easy removal of the skins.
2 cloves of garlic sliced thin or grated
1 small sweet onion or red onion sliced
1 T Cumin seeds crushed in a mortar and pistil
4 Jalapeno peppers with the seeds and white membrane removed to control heat, sliced.
1/2 tsp. salt

Toss it all with 1 T olive oil and place in a grilling pan on the barbecue or on a cookie sheet for the broiler.  Cook until it starts to char a little - 7-10 minutes.  If you are cooking it on the grill stir it every 30 seconds or so.  If in the broiler stir a couple of time.  Chop coarsely in a food processor.  Add some cilantro if you are so inclined.  (My husband doesn't like cilantro so I use 2-3 T chopped Greek Oregano if I think he might eat some.)

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