Saturday, July 23, 2011


This is my new favorite pasta salad.  It is so fresh and summary I can't leave it alone.  I have a bumper crop of basil this year so I am making it a lot.   I included a home made dressing but if you have a favorite commercial Italian dressing it will work.

1 box of orzo pasta, cooked and rinsed in cold water
3 cups grape tomatoes cut in half
1 lb. soft mozzarella cheese cut into ½ inch cubes
¾ cup coarse grated Parmesan cheese
Bunch about 4 or 5 cluster tops of basil in your hand
and with kitchen scissors snip into slivers to make a
generous ½-1 cup of basil (The second time I wanted more basil)
1/2 C. Pine nuts is good but not necessafy

Dressing:  Put 1 T. olive oil in a small frying pan and finely grate 2
Cloves of garlic into it and stir fry until it is a golden brown.
Remove to a blender.  Add ½ C. olive oil, 3 T red wine vinegar,
1 small Roma tomato peeled (boiling water), seeded (seeds removed)
and chopped, ½ tsp  dried basil or 4-5 fresh basil leaves, ¼ tsp. salt and pepper

Blend until smooth.  Pour 6-8 T. on the pasta mixture and toss together.
Add some more salt and fresh grated pepper to taste. This makes a big salad
but it will stay fresh in the refrigerator 5 or 6 days.

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