Monday, December 12, 2011


If you want a fast treat and peanut butter is your thing this is for you.   Get one pound of vanilla  or Almond Bark or vanilla drops.  I don't know if white chocolate chips would work but I suspect they might.  Melt in the microwave in a glass bowl on medium heat stir until smooth.  Add 2/3 C. peanut butter.  I used creamy but crunchy is probably good.  Stir until well blended and pour into a square sided 9x13 pan lined with parchment paper or wax paper.  Tap a little on the counter to even out.  Melt 6 oz. chocolate with 1 tsp. oil (this is a bag of chocolate chips- 1 cup)  use milk or semisweet as desired.  Drizzle across the top in large drizzles and gently swirl with a knife.  Let set up. Cut with an exacto  knife to make squares or break into irregular pieces.  They cut better if they are barely set up.

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