Thursday, January 12, 2012


I am on my 5th year of reading my scriptures "every day no matter what."  Last year I was able to read the Book of Mormon, The New Testament and the D&C.  I am always amazed at how much I can read with just a little commitment every day, usually only 15-20 minutes except on Sunday when I try to read more.  I have learned that there is a POWER BEYOND THE WORDS.  My prayers are improved and more.  My thinking has more peace and direction.  I feel more love.  I desire to serve better.  I testify that nothing will changes us more than a commitment to daily scriptures.  

I read about the life of  Tyndale by Michael Wilcox this year and then watched the production of the English bible translation produced by the church.  The fervor to read and have the written word was so powerful.  So many sacrificed to give us this blessed opportunity.  We take it for granted.
 “In the end, the central purpose of all scripture is to fill our souls with faith in God the Father and in His Son, Jesus Christ—faith that They exist; faith in the Father’s plan for our immortality and eternal life; faith in the Atonement and Resurrection of Jesus Christ, which animates this plan of happiness; faith to make the gospel of Jesus Christ our way of life; and faith to come to know ‘the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom [He has] sent’ (John 17:3).”

Scripture Reading Chart  If you like those things.

1 comment:

  1. I try to read the Book of Mormon with my kids every day and have them read too (repeat a verse after me). I don't think they understand much but it certainly seems to help us have a better day.
