Tuesday, January 17, 2012

NAPKIN ROSES Step by step how to make

My table set with the napkin roses

Pinterest had a picture of roses made from napkins that I pinned.  I am having a luncheon this week and wanted to make them for my dining room table with a Valentine theme.  I couldn't find the directions with the picture so I worked out my own.  My roses look different from the Pinterest ones but I like them.
 This is a plate of roses made with different napkins.  The fabric will change how you make them a bit and how they look in the end.
Fold into thirds as shown.  Fold the bottom up and the top down to make thirds again.
Fold down an end to a right angle.
Start to roll the end to make a little bud for the middle. ( I just had age spots burned on my hands, I don't have leprosy. )
Pick it up and begin to roll and fold the loose end down in right angles as you roll and fold.  Basically you are twisting as you roll, in a right angle fold down, over and over.

When you have a few inches left twist it and tuck in around the bottom to look like leaves.  Some polyester fabric napkins are so buoyant they won't hold and you might have to tuck the ends in the beginning bud hole underneath.
 Finished Rose

A row of them on the table


  1. I just tried this with a soft red polka dot napkin, and it worked great. Caleb even recognized it ;-D
    Thanks from Melanie
