Sunday, August 19, 2012


 I get Dr. Mercola's Newsletter every day.  He has many healthy studies that I believe in.  Some of them are difficult to implement in todays world but I have made changes because of his ideas.  The following I posted from this link , which I have found true for me.  When I eat breakfast it starts me on a hunger binge.  I fast easily in the morning.  I am glad he made me feel OK about this choise.  It is part of the fasting idea for health.   I know some are hypo hypoglycemic and this would not work for them but it does for me. 

Why Breakfast May Not Be a Good Idea for Many

This clearly runs contrary to the traditional view, which says that breakfast is the most important meal of the day. The reality is that breakfast may be one of the LEAST important meals, because skipping it may allow you to enter into a more efficient fat burning phase.
Clearly, step number one, if you’re struggling with your weight, is to reduce your sugar intake. Dr. Johnson suggests cutting it by one-half to one-third of your normal intake. I recommend keeping your total sugar/fructose intake below 25 grams a day, or as little as 15 grams a day if you have any health problems related to insulin resistance, such as high blood pressure, diabetes or heart disease. But you can further boost your fat loss efforts by incorporating the principles of intermittent fasting, and by exercising in a fasted state.
Intermittent fasting, when you stop eating for 14-18 hours, typically after dinner, has become increasingly popular in certain circles. It has been a strategy I have been personally using for the past several months to help me lower my waist size about two inches. In fact, at times I will fast for 20-22 hours.
The theory of intermittent fasting is based on the rationale that your body stores sugar as glycogen in your liver but only stores enough for 6-8 hours. So after this time, you have consumed your glycogen store, which forces your body to metabolize the fat stored in your body. It essentially replicates what our ancestors were exposed to in terms of food availability and, Dr. Johnson agrees, this form of intermittent fasting can indeed help you optimize your weight.
“... [I]f you want to burn fat, intermittent fasting is a pretty good way to do it. Normally when you fast, there’s a short period of time where you’re burning glycogen, which is the carbohydrates stored in your liver and other tissues but particularly in the liver.
While there’s glycogen around, it’s hard to burn fat, because your body will preferentially burn glycogen... [G]lycogen gets burned off fairly quickly, but it takes six to eight hours before it’s really burned, or before it’s completely removed. It takes a little bit longer in people who are obese.
If you eat a dinner early, for example, at 5:00 PM, then you decide not to eat afterwards until the morning, by two or three in the morning the glycogen is gone. Now your body burns fat. You are burning fat while you are sleeping.
It’s a great move.  Whereas if you stay up until midnight and you’re eating chips and things like this... you may never burn the glycogen at all. By the time you wake up in the morning, you still have glycogen in your liver. You’ve burned no fat.  Another thing that comes out of this... is that if you exercise in a fasting state, like in the morning, you will be burning fat.”

 But if I ever indulge, which I do on occasion.  This is my favorite Nutella French Toast  and I can gain 5 pounds right here.

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