Saturday, October 20, 2012


 I doubled the recipe for the Praline Fudge Tart , I lined a 11X14 pan with release foil and sprayed it well with Pam.  Regular foil would be fine with plenty of Pam.  Cook the syrup and pour it into the bottom of the pan and cover with chopped nuts.  I used pecans here and they were great! But the toasted almonds were also very good.  (a 9x13 pan would be too small.)

Beat the fudge batter and pour carefully over the nuts.  This size will take 25-27 minutes to bake at 350.  When the top is firm it is ready.  Turn over onto a foil covered platter right out of the oven.  Scrape any syrup left on the foil and cool.  Cut into the bars.  These are fabulous!

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