Sunday, February 3, 2013


My good friend Elsie Bringhurst invited us to dinner last week and served this beautiful dish.  I love colorful food and this takes the prize and it tastes awesome.  You need about 10 cups of winter veggies.  I used about half fingerling potatoes that Costco sells.  Some of these potatoes are deep purple and some pink and the others white.  You could use any potato.  Cut the potatoes into large bite size pieces.  I cut the fingerlings in half.  Carrots are good, butternut squash and sweet potatoes would work.  I think mushrooms would be nice in it.  I would leave them whole.  But the beets are the secret ingredient because they bleed onto everything.  Peel 2-3 beets and cut them a bit thinner and the carrots also.  They take longer to cook.  If you are using sweet potatoes and butternut squash add them after 20 minutes because they cook faster. 

Toss the veggies with 3-4 T. olive oil and 1 package of Lipton Onion Soup.  Bake in a 425 oven for 30-35 minutes...or until the beets are tender.   Stir every 10 minutes or so.

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