Saturday, December 31, 2011

HUGO - Movie Review

Hugo is a feast for the eyes, ears and imagination.  It has an old time feel with warm muted colors, but light with glowing magical images.  You instantly fall in love with the orphan boy Hugo, living in Paris, continuing to wind a city clock after his drunken uncle dies.  The movie takes place on one charming street filled with reoccurring characters you want to follow.  There is mystery in Hugo's life that draws you in, bringing along the other characters as the resolution unfolds.

My 10 year. old grandson thought it was a little boring, but I was glad he was there.  Children need more subtle magic, real people, nostalgia and dreamy longing moods in the movies they watch.  There are too many fireworks in their movie diets.

Don't wast your money on the 3-D.  Our 7 family members went together and we all wished we hadn't indulged in the 3D.  One of our group got dizzy with it and left for awhile.

This is a lovely movie.  3 1/2 *

In Depth Hugo Review

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