Tuesday, January 3, 2012


I try to convince my writing classes to write a  Christmas letter or a year end wrap up because it is a short history of your year and it may be all you write.

January – A glacier formed on my front yard and stayed there until June.  It snowed so much I started to get weather obsessed. Maren went to market and left Douggy with me for a week.  Yikes! I don't have time for a dog.

February – We made our annual pilgrimage to St. George for the Parade of Homes and the Eccles Art Show.  I biked to the top of Snow Canyon twice and Mike played a lot of golf.

March – We spent another week in St. George with John and Linda Hoffman.  The guys golfed.  The women biked Snow Canyon twice, visited the galleries and watched Emma.

April – Leif came for Spring Break with his girlfriend Tasha.  We had a nice visit with them.  Mike retired, finally, throwing his own going away party.  I went to Women’s Conference at BYU.

May -  The Glacier begins to melt but I didn’t think my tulips would ever bloom but they did.  It is still cold and raining.  I continue my weather obsession, checking the 10 day forecast twice a day, at least.

June -  We did a 2 week road trip with Steve and Viki Whitmer to Arizona.  We hiked Wire Canyon in Southern Utah, went to Eager and Alpine to see my family ancestral home only to be driven out by a gigantic forest fire.  We spent a week in Sedona.  The guys golfed.  Viki and I hiked every day—the best hiking ever.  We hit all the galleries we could and had an all and all great time.

July – Mike had a High School golf tournament.  We spent a week in Park City.  The Hoffman’s came for part of the time.  The guys golfed a lot.  The girls perused some shopping and galleries and hiked to the top of Park City Ski resort and around the Canyons ski resort.  Mike and I saw two Deer Valley concerts and drove to Cascade Springs, this time finding the right road back through Midway.  Beau moved in with us for a couple of months as he changes jobs.

August -  I threw a big back yard birthday party for Michael.  He turned 10
September – Jennifer and Luke came for a visit.  We had another big back yard picnic, including a puppet show and homemade ice cream sandwiches.   We met Mikes siblings in St. George again.  We all went to “Grease” at Tuachan, the guys golfed and the women shopped and visited.

October -  We went to Costa Mesa to visit Maren.  Her TPT Home store is awesome.   She has a cute little house that I can imagine her in now.  We went to Cape Cod with Viki and Steve Whitmer.  We visited Martha’s Vineyard on the ferry, The Pilgrim Village, drove to Rhode Island and spent a day in Boston.   It was a wonderful trip with lots of great sightseeing and fabulous food. 

November -  I turned 65, hurray for medicare!  Leif and his girlfriend came for Thanksgiving.  I made Tofurky for the vegetarians.  We spent the month looking for a car for Leif.  One was purchased, still not sure if it was the right one.  Leif is in Portland going to graduate school.  Maren came for Thanksgiving.  Her dog Douggy decides he is my dog.  (No wonder I feed him chicken with his dog food and I play tug-a-war and ball chase when he wants and I walk the hill with him.)

December -  Lots of cooking and baking.  We had a bingo party with Dave, Colette and the kids.  I made Christmas presents with the kids for their mothers.  I had two big dinner parties with the Empty Nesters and my book club.  Maren, Douggy, Beau and Michael came for Christmas.  Douggy wears me out.  I am not his mother.  Mike got me an SLR camera for Christmas.  I am scared and excited about it.  We have put in our mission papers.  Next year will be new and exciting.


  1. WoW! That is one great year! I'm biking Snow Canyon in a couple of weeks, so then I won't be so jealous ;-D I love hearing what you and Mike do. And can't wait to hear about your mission call! Happy 2012!

  2. Loved the interesting summary of your year. I was a little disappointed you left out the highlight in October - you know, the reception at the Community Center for One World, Many Stories. Just kidding. I also appreciate your recipes. (Where do you find Herbs de Povence?) I've never met anyone with so many outstanding talents and interests.
