Sunday, June 23, 2013


This is the rock I painted with the JAS kids and a bouquet of Bougainvillea from "my garden" here and a beautiful water bottle from a restaurant on Gran Canaria.  Unfortunately the camera focused on the rock and flowers and not on the cake but here it is anyway.  When I served this cake to the Elders they said, "Now this takes the cake."  I make a lot of cakes for them because they are easier than baking cookies.  They are the Guinea Pigs for my experiments.  If you like peanut butter this will knock your socks off.  Peanut butter is only sold in very small containers here and it is a little pricy for what you get but sometimes you just need a little peanut butter in your mouth or a lot in this case.  It is very rich and moist.

Peanut Butter Sheet Cake
Bring 1 C. of water to boil in a medium large saucepan or in a larger glass bowl in the microwave.  Remove from heat.
Add in this order:
2 C. sugar and stir a minute or so
½ C. butter
½ C. Peanut Butter
¼ C. vegetable oil
½ C. plain yogurt or buttermilk
1 tsp. vanilla
2 eggs
¼ tsp. salt or none
¼ C. cornstarch (or 2 T more flour)
Blend well with a wire whisk
1 tsp. soda
2 Cups flour

Mix well and pour into a 10x15 inch pan.  Sprinkle with 1 C. chocolate chips (if desired) and bake for 20-25 minutes until the top is solid. 
Frost with peanut butter frosting.
¼ c. butter
1/3 C. peanut butter
3 C. powdered sugar and enough milk to make a creamy frosting.


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