Monday, July 1, 2013

MOJO from the Canaries

If you eat at a restaurant here, that serves local food, they will give you a little bowl of Mojo with some boiled Canary potatoes.  There is a green version and a red one, usually they serve a little of both.  Our Relief Society held an event chronicling the history and food of the islands and served Mojo with roasted chicken and boiled potatoes.  I liked it a lot and Mike even enjoyed it.  We put it on our chicken, our potatoes and dipped our bread in it.  One of the sisters gave me a skeleton recipe and I went home to make it.  I think it is delicious.  It has cilantro in it but it doesn't overpower.  Mike does not like cilantro but didn't mind it here.  I made a large recipe.  It keeps well for a long time, but you could half it easily or freeze it if desired.

Put 4 C. olive oil in a blender
1 seeded and chopped red pepper
4 Cloves of grated garlic
1 tsp. black pepper
1 tsp. salt
1 or 2 tsp. cumin powder  depending how you like cumin...fresh ground is good.
1 lightly packed cup of chopped cilantro

1/2 C. vinegar (I used apple cider but I think you could use any)
Add some cayenne or crushed red pepper if you want more heat.  The black pepper gives it some.

Blend until there are very small smooth chunks.  Shake or stir before serving.   ENJOY on just about anything.


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